Publications and presentations in English
Kemenade YW van, Heneman EC, Niessing W. Healthcare systems of 22 European countries. Part 6: Which European country has the best healthcare system? 4 March 2020 (BestsystemPart6)
Kemenade YW van, Heneman EC, Niessing W. Healthcare systems of 22 European countries. Part 5: Trends in out-of-pocket payments in 22 Euopean countries. 4 February 2020 (Out-of-pocketPart5)
Kemenade YW van, Heneman EC, Niessing W. Healthcare systems of 22 European countries. Part 4: From financing healthcare providers to clients. 15 January 2020 (FinancingclientsPart4)
Kemenade YW van, Heneman EC, Niessing W. Healthcare systems of 22 European countries. Part 3: Toward a stronger primary care. 13 december 2019 (ArtikelHCE2019EITpart3)
Kemenade YW van, Heneman EC, Niessing W. Healthcare systems of 22 European countries. Part 2: Trends healthcare reforms: from (macro) cost-control to market elements. 28 november 2019 (ArtikelHCE2019EITpart2)
Kemenade YW van, Heneman EC, Niessing W. Healthcare systems of 22 European countries. Part 1: Decrease in healthcare expenditure growth in the USA and Europe. 19 november 2019 (artikelHCE2019EITPart1)
Kemenade YW van. The healthcare system as a stimulator of innovations. Clinica supplement, World Medical Technology News, November 2008: p 20 – 22 (download pdf)
Kemenade YW van. Healthcare reforms in Europe: a snapshot of the changes. Clinica, World Medical Technology News, April 11 – 2008 (issue 1301) p 7 – 9 (download pdf)
Kemenade YW van. A European health care superstate? Nein danke! Clinica, World Medical Technology News, November 2 – 2007 (issue 1280) p 4 (download pdf)
Kemenade YW van. Healthcare in Europe 2007. The finance and reimbursement systems of 11 European countries. Reed Business Elsevier/ Maarsen 2007, ISBN 978-90-352-2915-0
Kemenade YW van. Health care reform in de Netherlands. Presentation on the International Summer School (ISS) 2006, MBA education FSW / Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands July 2006 (download ppt)
Kemenade YW van. Health care in Europe 1997. The finance and reimbursement systems of 18 European countries. Elsevier/De Tijdstroom Maarssen, 1997, ISBN 90-352-1862-0
Kemenade YW van. Health care pricing, finance and reimbursement in the Netherlands. Clinica, World Medical Device & Diagnostic News, Supplement October 1994, p 13-14
Kemenade YW van. Health care finance systems in Europe. Presentation on the International Conference: Reimbursement and pricing issues for the medical device industry. IBC legal studies and services limited. Brussel February 1994
Kemenade YW van, Nievaard AC, Casparie AF. Effects of diabetes education programmes given by a patient organisation. In: Abel Th, Geyer S, Gerhardt U, Heuvel W van den, Siegrist J (eds.). Medical sociology research on chronic illness. Informationzentrum Socialwissenschaften Bonn, Germany 1993: 327-349
Kemenade YW van. Health care in Europe. The finance and reimbursement systems of 18 European countries. Nationale Raad voor de Volksgezondheid 1993 (publicationnumber 1/93)
Kemenade YW van. Effects of non-professional educational programmes for diabetics. Presentation on the Third International European Society of Medical Sociology Congress. Marburg, West Germany september 1990
Kemenade YW van, Casparie AF, Nievaard AC. The effects of diabetes education, organised by fellow patients, on the attitude and behaviour of the diabetes patient. Workshop Diabetes Education State University of Limburg, October 1989, p 19
Kemenade YW van, Casparie AF, Nievaard AC. Effects of educational program organised by and for diabetes patients. Third European Conference on Health Psychology, Life styles and Health. University Utrecht June 1989, p 114